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"And you shall know the truth, and the truth   shall make you free."  John 8:32 

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"To know God and to make Him known by creating a culture of believers who walk in the love, the presence and the power of God and empower them to fulfill their God-given destinies in advancing the Kingdom of God."


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We desire to be known as a people after God's heart, saved by His grace, secured by His love, and empowered by His Spirit.  Nothing can hold us captive.

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We are passionate about revealing the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.  We believe that individuals, cities, and nations can be transformed by the power of God.  There is absolutely nothing too difficult for God.

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We purpose to live a life of worship and prayer where the presence of God is experienced and where the Lord chooses to make His habitation among us. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom from all that troubles mankind.

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We expect the Spirit of God to move on our behalf, manifesting His gifts and demonstrating His power.  We hold to the integrity of God's Word knowing that He watches over His Word to perform it.

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We affirm every believer as a supernatural minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  All life changing ministry comes from the overflow of our time spent in fellowship with God.  Signs, wonders, and miracles confirm God's Word and follow those who believe. Freely as we have received we are to freely give.

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We believe God has designated the family as His institution in the earth in which to reveal His love and plan for mankind.  As sons and daughters of God, He has a plan, a purpose and a destiny for each of us. We have the responsibility of unveiling His plan from generation to generation.

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We esteem a culture of honor where the resurrection life of Christ flows into people's lives, bringing love, joy, hope, blessing, healing, restoration and wholeness.  All the benefits of the New Covenant are ours to enjoy as we submit ourselves to God and to one another.




Pure Heart Ministries is a gathering of believers who are purposing to "help restore the church to Christ's original intent".  We believe we should be experiencing Heaven on Earth as the Spirit of God moves in our midst.


We believe in the full restoration of the ministry gifts of the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers that Christ gave to His Church for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry, and for the edifying of the body of Christ as revealed in Ephesians 4:11-16.


We are establishing an apostolic training center, where believers can be equipped to fulfill their God-given destinies.  Believers have a sphere of influence in which they have responsibility to reveal the Kingdom of God to those around them, whether at work, at home or in the marketplace.  


Apostle Ed Kurdziel and Pure Heart Ministries are in covenantal relationship with Bishop Dale A. Fife of Mountain Top Global Ministries in Bradenton, FL, Dr. Mark T. Barclay of Living Word Church in Midland, MI and area apostles throughout West Michigan.  



We are currently holding Sunday morning worship services as a "house church" in Kentwood, MI until our new location is secured. 


Please contact Pure Heart at (616) 202-1757 or for details! 

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